Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lazy Summer Days

"Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability." -Sam Keen

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thoughts on Now

The only problem with not participating in commencement is that there is no catharsis.  It's like I drove off of a cliff and am in free fall.  Commencement would be a way to hit the ground hard and fast, but instead I'm waiting for something to make me hit, knowing it won't happen.

I stand by my choice though.  I feel like doing many things today, but sitting around for a few hours with mostly strangers to get handed a fake diploma isn't one of them.  Its one of those things I'd only be doing because I thought I should.

In conclusion, this graduation feels similar to my high school graduation in that I am much more focus on what I did wrong than on what I accomplished.  But its different in that I don't feel like giving a huge "EFF YOU" to my school and everyone there.  I feel more thankful to WWU for the opportunities, for showing me that scientific research is the path I want to walk in this life, and for putting me in close enough proximity to my boyfriend so that I could find him.  Four years ago I didn't know what I wanted in my future, now I know that I want these two things to be a part of it.

The things I did wrong, I have learned from, so I will make a list of these things to keep in mind for the future:

  • Try to see people as they are, not as who you want them to be.  When you find out who they really are, it will hurt you both.
  • On that note, try to accept people for who they really are, instead of faulting them for not living up to your expectations.  
  • Always try your best.  Don't take the easy road.  You are capable of more than you think.
  • Eat things that are not carbs or you will feel like shit.
  • Try to tolerate the intolerant.  
  • Do the dishes right after dinner or you WILL NEVER DO THEM.
  • Don't always let little things slide or they will snowball.
  • Don't be intimidated by people you admire.  People are just people like you.
Be genuine.  Have actual taste.  Don't like things because they're "Indie," like them because you like them.  This isn't so much a problem with me, but has irritated the shit out of me all college, hearing comments like "I like how you like Friends even though its so mainstream."

Ugh, I think I'll make another post on things I won't miss about college.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Processed Food

I decided to eat less processed food because it has come to my attention that it is really really bad for you.
Like, the reason Americans are fat and dying bad.  Also, I have long suspected that my stomach is sensitive to something in it (specifically wheat based breakfast cereals).  I can't help but wonder: If I eat healthier, will I feel better?  More energetic?  Will I stop getting headaches?

In any case, this sounds like an awesome idea in my head.  But in practice it isn't so easy.  What counts as a  "processed food"?  For example, last night I made myself sauteed chicken with honey-grapefruit sauce over a bed of romaine with vinaigrette.  Sounds great, right?  Except that I used panko breadcrumbs to coat the chicken, and those are surely processed. In fact, I'm not even sure what they are, except that they make an awesome breading.

Anyway, I've decided to start small.  First on the chopping block, the easy ones: Ramen noodles, packaged soups, frozen tv dinners, pop tarts/eggos/frozen french toast things, and bottled/powdered salad dressings.  Things I don't eat often anyway, but never outrightly "banished."